RCD Hotels App

Download our App today and unlock the ultimate All-Inclusive experience at AVA Resort Cancun. 

Scan or click to get it started. 

a qr code on a white background

a grey rectangular sign with white texta grey rectangular sign with white text

a cellphone with a screen showing a golf club Link to Larger Item Photo

Pre Check-In

We make it easier and faster, pre-register to enjoy every minute from the moment you arrive. 

a phone with a menu on it Link to Larger Item Photo

Specialty Restaurants

Explore, reserve and have a taste of cuisine from all over the world at any of our top-class restaurants, with options for the every family member. 

a phone with a picture of a pool Link to Larger Item Photo


Get ready for an incredible variety of activities at AVA Resort Cancun. We have something for every family member with bowling for kids and adults, live entertainment and much more. 

a phone with a picture of a beach resort Link to Larger Item Photo

Service Requests

Your needs on demand 24/7. Request anything, from extra towels to fridge refill, at the touch of a button. 

a phone with a screen showing a menu Link to Larger Item Photo

In-Room Dining

Dine without leaving the room. Browse the menu and order your favorites at any time all day.

a phone with a screen on it Link to Larger Item Photo


Track your stay in real time. View and manage your billing details effortlessly.